
18 January, 2023

Just Beam It: A Convenient Way to Share Large Files

JustBeamIt is a website that allows users to easily share large files with others without the need for a cloud storage service or email attachments.

The website works by creating a unique link for each file that is uploaded. The link can then be shared with others, who can use it to download the file. This eliminates the need to worry about file size limitations or clogged email inboxes.

One of the key benefits of using JustBeamIt is its simplicity. The website has a minimalistic design, making it easy for users to quickly and easily share files. There is no need to create an account or log in, simply upload the file and share the link.

Another benefit of JustBeamIt is that it offers a high level of security for your files. The service uses industry-standard encryption to ensure that your files are protected while in transit, and also offer password protection for links, so only the intended recipients can access the files.

JustBeamIt is also very useful for team collaboration, allows multiple people to upload and download files at the same time, making it a great option for businesses or team projects.

Overall, JustBeamIt is a great option for anyone looking for a simple and secure way to share large files. Its minimalistic design and strong security features make it a great option for both personal and professional use.

Drag 'n drop your file(s) into the drop zone (the area underneath the header with the parachute). Alternatively, you can select your file(s) by clicking on the parachute.
Once you've selected the file(s) you'd like to beam, click the "Create Link" button to generate a unique download link to share.
After the recipient connects and starts the transfer, the progress for your file(s) will begin updating. Do NOT close the page at any point until the transfer is complete, as this will terminate the transfer. JustBeamIt relies on you keeping your window open in order to keep the connection between sender and receiver open during the transfer.
When the transfer finishes, you will see the message "COMPLETED" next to the file(s) being transferred.
If anything goes wrong during the transfer, you will see the message "FAILED" next to the file(s) being transferred.
You can now safely close your browser window, or click the "Create Link" button to generate a new unique download link for the current set of files, or refresh the page (clicking the JustBeamIt logo works just as well) to start fresh and continue beaming.

Open the link in your browser.
If you see the message "sorry, this download link no longer exists :(", then either the link has expired or the link is invalid because the transfer already took place.
In the case of multiple file transfer, the filename displayed is "" and each fill is listed underneath. We also package all the files into a single '.zip' file for easy download. In the case of a single file transfer, the filename of the actual file is displayed.
To begin downloading, click on the file icon next to the filename. If you see the message "sorry, this download link has expired :(", then the link was invalidated because too much time passed before the transfer began.
After the transfer begins, you will see the message "your download is in progress... %" and the progress percentage will update.
Once the transfer completes, you will see the message "your download is done :)".
If anything goes wrong during the transfer, you will see the message "your download failed :(".

Please note...              
The download link is valid for 10 minutes, after which it expires and is invalidated, meaning the transfer cannot take place. You would have to click the "Create Link" button to generate a new unique download link.
Everything is streamed from source to destination through our service, and no file contents are recorded on our servers.

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