Eric's Movie DataBase
Keep track of your Movies and TV Series
Automatic import from IMDb, TheTVDB, TheMovieDB, RottenTomatoes
All data and artwork like Movie posters, Actor Photos, Trailer links etc are automatically imported from the various sources.
Various ways to add movies
Manually enter titles.
Scan Disks or Folders.
Use a Barcode Scanner.
Import from files.
Manage your collection
Manage seen movies or TV Series episodes.
Keep track of loaned titles ot your wish list.
Play Movies or episodes from EMDB.
Get all kind of statistics
Export / Print
Create HTML websites using various templates.
Export to csv or plain text.
Print lists, thumbnails or detailed movie summaries.
Great Visuals
Display your collection on a Bookshelf or in a list.
Full Screen mode.
TV Mode designed for big screen full HD or 4K TVs.
Movies are shown in various cases like DVD, Bluray, 4K, Steelbook, CD Jewel Case and VHS.
Full screen poster slideshow.
Different bookshelf visualizations, customizable colors and icons.
EMDB is translated in 32 languages. Some translations are not fully up-2-date. If you want to contribute contact us.
Lots of handy features
Sort, Search, Filter, Mark watched, Track loaned or seen, Wish list, Play.
Automatic scans for new media files at startup.
Automatic updates.
Fully portable. No dependency for any framework installed. EMDB can be installed on a USB stick or disk to run on any computer.
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