
29 January, 2022

The Hacker News

'The Hacker News' — Cybersecurity Publication

With nearly every organization in today's world connected to the Internet in one way or another these days, steps need to be taken to ensure that their networks remain safe and secure, and that's exactly what we're doing.

The Hacker News (THN) is a leading, trusted, and widely recognized cybersecurity news platform that attracts over 8 million readers monthly, including IT professionals, researchers, hackers, technologists, and enthusiasts.

At Hacker News, you'll find the latest cybersecurity news and in-depth reports on current and future Infosec trends and how they are shaping the cyber world.

Our way:

In 2010, we founded THN as a dedicated cybersecurity and hacking news platform to educate people on how to use the Internet in the safest way possible.

In the ensuing years, the site has become one of the most prominent channels for information security, working as a bridge between a wide range of communities, including leading security researchers, geeks, techies, businesses, CISOs, and thousands of security professionals.

We are continuously working to improve the platform and appreciate your valuable thoughts and feedback to make it even more resourceful.

Our activities and events:

The Hacker News also organizes in-person meetups, conferences, and events that attract the best IT professionals and hackers worldwide.

The Hackers Conference (THC):

The Hackers Conference (THC) is one such gathering of enthusiastic minds in cybersecurity, organized every year in Delhi - the heart of India.

The Hackers Conference is a unique event where the best minds in the hacking, IT industry, and cyber community meet face-to-face to solve the latest problems in cybersecurity.

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